A Home of Disciplined Love! (II John 1:4-6)

Pastor Carl Trosien • May 9, 2021

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 



           Text: II John 1:4-6


 It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear Friends in Christ Jesus:

 A mother exerts more influence in shaping the lives and the destinies of her children – than any other person throughout their lives. For she’s in a position both to teach and to be an example to her children. In fact, a mother is the first and greatest representative of God’s love to them. And yet, children and young people today have been called reckless, destructive, undisciplined, and what not. And in too many instances, this description is quite accurate. Go into almost any community and watch young peoples’ groups at their gatherings or on the streets – and you’ll see that this is indeed the case.

 However, when all of this has been said – aren’t we really also being forced to admit that children and young people today didn’t produce the world in which they live? All too often – when children are corrected because of their misconduct, their mothers and fathers are the ones who proceed at once to tell the proper authorities that they have no right to do this to their children. Many parents let their children do whatever they want, for they think that this is showing love – and then they’re surprised that their children have no sense of responsibility and are undisciplined. You see, children need parents, especially a mother – who will teach, guide, and lead them.

 Today we, as a nation and as a congregation, pause to honor our mothers. This day is placed before us to encourage us to keep that command of our Lord which states.

– “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’ – which is the first commandment with a promise – ‘that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.’” And as we show our mothers our love, we are obeying a word from God, which says – “…learn first of all to put (your) religion into practice by caring for (your) own family and so repaying (your) parents…for this is pleasing to God.”

 And as you mothers receive the praise of your children today – you also, as the people of God, will want to remember your blessings before God and think about the responsibilities that God has placed upon you. In the first century of the Christian Church, a letter was written to a mother by the apostle John – and in this letter, he has some important things to say about discipline and love – on this our observance of

Mother’s Day.

 Today, too many believe that being sentimental is actually loving. However, the apostle John writes – “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands.” So, the love of a mother has to be one of discipline. And the mother who really loves her children – corrects them when it’s needed. God gives her this pattern in His Word, when He says – “…the Lord disciplines those he loves…that we walk in obedience to his commands.” You see, time and again God corrects us as children of His grace, mercy, and love. He does this throughout our lives – and by doing so, forces us to take a close look at ourselves. But when He does correct us, it isn’t because He hates us. 

Rather, this correction reveals God’s concern for our well-being – it shows us His love. And in the same way, a mother corrects and trains her children – not because she hates them or wants to show her authority over them. She does so – because she loves them. The apostle John says that this mother teaches her children in the truth – and then adds that she also trains and corrects them through the truth. Therefore, a Christian mother is constantly guided by the Word of her God, appealing to the authority of the Lord.

 In disciplining her children, a mother faces a difficult task, to be sure. For on one hand, our sinfulness makes training a constant chore; and on the other hand, a mother finds too many others in the community who fail in this work of disciplining altogether. And so, she’ll hear her children tell her time and again – “This one or that one can do it, why can’t I?”

 The mother who really loves her children, though, also disciplines herself. You see, it’s only natural that a mother should want to let her child do or have whatever he or she wants. However, some mothers go one step further and say – “He’s only young once, why not let him have his fun now? My daughter will have plenty of work to do later in life, why not let her play now?” And so, these children are pampered and spoiled. No responsibility is placed upon them. No demands are made of them. No obligations have to be met. These children grow up rather unprepared. When parents permit this to happen, they’re not disciplining themselves.

 But the mother who disciplines herself also recognizes the rights of her children. 

Too often parents don’t want their children to grow up and don’t let them. They think of young people in terms of being kids, and treat them as such. However, young people resent this kind of treatment – and it definitely shows a lack of self-discipline on the part of the parents. Through training, parents ought to exhibit the fact that their children are growing into adulthood – with rights and responsibilities of their own.

 The apostle John says that the mother who really loves her children will discipline herself – through the truth and the commandments of God. The Word of God is her guide, and prayer is the way in which she looks for and finds direction and guidance. And yet, the apostle John doesn’t only address himself to the mother in the text, he not only tells her what a fine job she’s done in raising her children. He also has a word to say to her sons and daughters. Children who honor their Christian mothers – live in truth and follow the commandments of God. The apostle John has some tremendous things to say to the children in the text.

 They lived their lives as God’s people. These children not only praised the Lord – but also lived as Christians at home, at church, and in the community. And their conduct and behavior gave evidence to their Christian faith and training. Everyone could tell that they came from a Christian home. These children were thoughtful and considerate of others – because Christian love dominated their lives. The children of that first-century Christian home didn’t go along with the crowd. They instead bore witness to the power of the Gospel, as it made an impact on their everyday lives. And this is how we also today can best honor our mothers – by living as the people of God.

 And as the apostle John praises the Christian atmosphere in this first-century Christian home, he urges the members of this family to continue to live in and for the Lord. He writes – “And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that…you walk in love.” This kind of living wasn’t only a blessing to the home, but also to the church. The entire congregation at that time rejoiced to have this family among them – for they were an example to all. And this kind of discipline in Christian love brought much happiness and joy to this family’s everyday life.

 But to establish a Christian home of disciplined love isn’t an easy thing to do, for we’re associating with and in an undisciplined world. Discipline is seen as being oldfashioned. Defiance of authority is evident all around us. And often, we’re inclined to go along with the crowd. We’re inclined to want to do what others do; and by doing so, we rebel against the Word of God. However, lack of discipline always leads to problems. Seeing just how far we can go always leads to trouble. 

 And yet, where the Christian life is disciplined by love, God’s blessings are in evidence. It is written – “Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.” God’s blessings abound in the Christian home, because each member of the family realizes that they are “God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.” They are each the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, producing the fruits of God’s Spirit – and all of this by His grace.

 And God reveals His love for us through the cross. Everyday, our sins are forgiven. Continually, God gives us the righteousness of Christ as our own. And when we fail, when we fall, God, in His love, picks us up again. And we live in peace. We’re at peace with God through the reconciling cross of Jesus Christ; and being at peace with God, we can be at peace with ourselves and with one another. As we’re forgiven and loved by the Lord, we in turn will be forgiving and loving to one another. This is the way that living is really meant to be!

 But you see, our story is and always will be the conflict between the forces of evil and the active love of God in Jesus Christ. It’s in the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord that the Christian mother receives the power necessary to do battle with those forces that threaten her ability to love and forgive. As the demand for forgiveness, patience, and grace arise in the family, as her family daily stands in need of her love, she is driven back to God for His help. And in Christ, God assures her that He will never fail her. So, as the faith and love of the Christian mother is expressed in her children, they’ll have every reason to thank and praise God, to “arise and call her blessed.”

 Therefore, let us, not only on Mother’s Day, but everyday of our lives – give our mothers the love, respect, and honor that they deserve. And if our mothers are no longer with us, let us praise and thank God, as we remember the precious gift He gave us, the tremendous love they gave us, and the God-pleasing lives they led. But most importantly, let us thank God for mothers who have taught and trained us by the Word of truth. For by doing so, they have led us to the Savior. Amen.


The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen. 

Authored by Reverend Carl Trosien.

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