3021 E Hubbard Rd
Midland, MI 48642 // 989-837-2856
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
This is the official website of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
An excellent YouTube channel by Dr. Jordon B Cooper, president of the American Lutheran Theological Seminary of the American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC), a church body in fellowship with the LCMS. Dr. Cooper's videos cover many theological topics and Christian issues. Here is one to get you started, Five Reasons I Am Lutheran.
Issues, Etc. is a ten-hour weekly syndicated radio talk show and podcast. The program features expert guests, expansive topics, while extolling Christ.
Listen to the famous Lutheran Hour radio program!
On this site you can have online access to the Book of Concord, the Lutheran confessions.
The Gospel for those Broken by the Church
In this video, Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, an ordained LCMS pastor and former Professor of Theology at Concordia University, Irvine, talks about how preaching that fails to properly distinguish Law from Gospel can lead to despairing unbelief. This is an important presentation not only for those he calls the sad or angry "alumni of the Christian faith" but for every Christian who wonders if the Gospel is truly for them.