Are You Living Resurrected Lives? (I Corinthians 15:1-11)

Pastor Carl Trosien • April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021 

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 



           Text: I Corinthians 15:1-11, but especially these words –


 For what I received I passed onto you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than give hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear Friends in Christ Jesus:

Christ is risen! Hallelujah! On Good Friday, Christ died upon the cross of Calvary. His lifeless body had been placed in a borrowed tomb. Joseph of Arimathea had a large stone placed at the entrance of this tomb. The chief priests and the Pharisees sealed it and Pontius Pilate stationed a Roman guard there – to prevent the disciples from stealing the body, and then saying that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. The defeat of Christ seemed complete. No escape appeared possible. But early on Easter morning, the power of God Himself shook the earth. An angel rolled the stone away from the tomb’s entrance – to reveal what had already taken place. Jesus had risen from the dead! At dawn, three women hurried to the tomb to complete the unfinished task of anointing the Master’s body. On Good Friday, hope had disappeared. But on Easter morning, hope returned when they found the tomb empty, and heard the message of the angel – “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

It’s another Easter morning – about two thousand years later. And yet, those three women of twenty one centuries ago and we today – have a lot in common. That stone had been rolled away from the tomb for the women, and an angel told them that Jesus Christ had indeed been raised from the dead. But the stone has also been rolled away for us – we also have heard the resurrection message proclaimed. This news that we have heard and that you’re going to hear this morning is the most earth-shaking, the most wonderful announcement you’re ever going to hear. Something tremendous is happening right now! In a time of death, we have come together to proclaim life – life now in the risen Savior and life with the Lord that will never come to an end.

You and I gather here this morning, rejoicing – for the purpose of celebration. We celebrate the day of resurrection – His and ours! We worship and praise our risen and ever-living God and Lord. The Easter message tells us some tremendous things. Jesus Christ is God Himself – not just a martyred symbol of kindness who lived many years ago. Only God could conquer death – and He did! His resurrection was the crowning miracle of His purpose for coming into the world.

And Christ’s promises are sure. He said that He would rise again in three days – and this is what we celebrate today! For in the resurrection, our salvation is assured. 

St. Paul writes – “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word.” Jesus’ death on the cross of Calvary is complete, we are forgiven – one with our heavenly Father once again.

But even more, Easter tells us that death is not the end any longer. For because of our Lord’s death and resurrection, an incredible promise is made to all who believe. Hear and celebrate that great and glorious promise of God – though we will die one day; in Christ, we will live forever! For Jesus says – “I am the resurrection, and the life: he who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” This is the Easter Gospel – “which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved” – when you “hold firmly to the word” – as St. Paul urges us to do in the text for this morning.

A moment ago, it was mentioned that you and I live in a time of death. “Why, I just can’t believe it – that something like this could happen”, we say to one another. 

“Well, I just talked to him yesterday, and everything was fine”, we recall. Yes, death is real. And though we may try to ignore it, or through medical advances try to delay it – the fact remains that in spite of all our advances, the mortality rate remains one hundred per cent. And yet, there’s another kind of death that is also real – and just as deadly, even more so. It’s the spiritual death that can attack us – even though we appear to be normal, happy, and healthy human beings.

It’s no news to any of you – that millions of people today live as though Good Friday and Easter never happened. There is an indifference and a lack of commitment to the way of our Lord Jesus Christ. And then there are those who have some contact with the church. These people periodically show interest in the church – like at Christmas and Easter, for a baptism, a wedding, or a funeral. However, with the festivals over, the baby baptized, the son or daughter married, or the loved one buried – this flash of faith disappears, and it’s back to business as usual.

Spiritual death – that’s what we’re talking about. The godless, impenitent lives – for whom Christ died. But even more contradictory are those in the church who worship regularly – but do little about living resurrected lives for the Lord and for one another each and every day. We claim to believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. But do we really? Or do we deny the message of His resurrection because we’re not really holding firmly to that truth – be living changed lives, which make Easter a daily reality? 

How often do you live and act as though Good Friday and Easter never happened? Are you living resurrected lives? Are you laying down your lives in sacrificial living, as the Savior did for you? Are you following His ways, when the trials and temptations of life come upon you? Or are you letting the world squeeze you into its own mold – rather than letting God reshape you from within, making you His new creation in a resurrected life? Yes, death is real – physical death which will claim us all, and spiritual death which can claim us all – the death of indifference, of self-love, and of detachment from our loving God.

For those of you who made the Lenten journey again this year, the truth is all too clear. You have seen your Savior – suffering and dying upon the cross. And you know that it was for your sins that He died – that it was your death that He died. But it’s here, at this point, that your Easter hope lies. For it’s in realizing your desperate, your lost condition – that you discover some great news. The hope of eternal life comes only after you’ve faced the reality of death. In a way, it’s too bad that dying is the last thing we do, because it could teach us so much about living. While realizing the terror of death, yet by the power of God turning from our spiritual darkness, we experience the blessed reality of the Easter miracle by which we are saved. And we don’t believe in vain – for Christ is the Lord, the Conqueror over death and gives us new life in and through Himself today! In Him, we will live forever!

The text doesn’t go into detail regarding the life to come of which the resurrection of Jesus Christ assures us. But the rest of Scripture beautifully affirms the truth of everlasting life – a life that will be free of all fear. Just think of it! You will live again! You have heard people say – “Well, you only live once. You only go around once in life.” How different is our message – “How tremendous it is that this isn’t the only life I have!” Your life is eternal – it will never come to an end. And it will be free from all that death entails. It will be a life free from fear, free from disease, and free from decay. For Jesus Christ Himself entered into death and defeated it – once and for all. He’s been there and says – “There’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Now come, take my hand, and we’ll go in and through it together.” There is no fear – because the Lord is with us.

And yet, while we live, we live for Jesus Christ. You’re free through the Easter faith in which you stand, and to which you hold firmly. And that ought to change your whole perspective on this side of the grave. For the joyful Easter message of a resurrected Savior – not only frees you from the fear of death, but also empowers you to live new, resurrected lives today. Yes, the resurrection of Jesus Christ puts power into the lives of people. 

Is this your faith? But even more than that – do you really live it? And are you dedicated to going out and making life around you more like Easter – wherever you are by proclaiming the Savior through your words and deeds? This is your Easter challenge! God has called out to you through His holy Word. God breaks through with the certainty that life can indeed be filled with joy for you – and that you never have to be afraid again. For Christ has indeed been raised from the dead! May this be your

Easter assurance – because Jesus died, you don’t have to fear dying. Because He rose, you can live resurrected lives every day. And because He lives, you will live – and reign – with Him forever! Amen.


The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen. 

Authored by Reverend Carl Trosien.

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